They Need Us

Your tax-deductible donations will support the Asia Policy Institute to empower underprivileged Asian groups with resources to improve their lives.

Together We Can Make Difference!

cost-effective social research

expertise in policy analysis

collaboration with big companies

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You Can Be A Part Of Us

Our mission can only be achieved with financial investments from grant partners and individuals like you.

Our Mission

Our mission addresses common problems in Asian communities in America and Asia, including but not limited to poverty, skewed development, and limited access to social and economic opportunities among disadvantaged groups in Asian countries. We empower underprivileged Asian groups with resources to improve their lives.

Income Inequality


Economic Mobility

Law Assistance

Personal Finance

Innovation For Children

Our Team

Backed by a diverse and adept team, we boast a proven track record of policy formulation and analysis expertise. Our extended collaborations with leading industry entities such as Google and Walmart underscore our commitment to fostering impactful change. 

Dr. Di Zhu, President of Asia Policy Institute
Ayman Mir, Design Strategy Lead
Joyce Okoth, Program Manager of Asia Policy Institute
Mina, Marketing Specialist
Lana Minato, Digital Media Intern
Mihika Raman, Digital Media Intern
Jing (Grace) Yuan, Chief Financial Officer
Sejin Park, Accounting Intern
Sirui Mei - Profile Picture
Michelle Mei, Research Assistant Intern

Because of our partners we are doing more good for more people!

Priscilla Lin

I wholeheartedly endorse the Asia Policy Institute's unwavering commitment to excellence, integrity, and impact. As we navigate the complexities of an ever-changing world, API stands as a steadfast ally in our collective pursuit of a more prosperous, equitable, and sustainable future for all.