Making a Difference

Providing Service for Local Communities

We collaborate with Walmart to improve financial literacy for low-income adults in New Jersey

Reducing Economic Disparities

Our collaboration with the government to reduce economic disparities is crucial to the well-being of local Asian populations.

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Join us on this journey of enlightenment, where knowledge becomes a catalyst for meaningful connections.


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Sodales Nonummy​
Per Porta Ornare
Maecenas Deleniti Alias Cras
Sit Natus
Repellat Voluptates
Nobis Facilisis
Maecenas Deleniti
Vivamus Erat
Maecenas Deleniti Alias Cras

Your Money Will Guaranteed Reach The Needy

Your tax-deductible donations will support thoughtful, unbiased research and analysis of public policies in the United States and internationally. It will also help API disseminate its work and reach new audiences. Together, we will win economic equity for all underprivileged groups and eliminate barriers to full social participation.